Not Gonna Lie…

Dear Family,

I’m not gonna lie.  I think the only time I’ve been really angry is on pdays when I’m trying to write people.  REALLY angry right now…  The internet won’t work for 10 minutes and it takes like 15 minutes to copy photos onto my thumb drive and 10 minutes to upload a picture on here and I need to send President a photo and I’m mad at him for cutting our time to write down when we need to do things like read his emails and send him photos of our converts.

Grrr. Continue reading “Not Gonna Lie…”

Feliz Navidad

So, yes mom I did get the package. I think the mission kept them all for a while to make sure everyone got something, but they finally gave them all out when we had our temple trip on Friday.
Friday was an interesting day. All morning was spent on the temple trip (I wanted to say it was spent in the temple but I got rushed in and out pretty quickly), then we worked at the visitor center, then we had our branch Christmas party. The branch Christmas party was so great. There was a great feeling of unity, Continue reading “Feliz Navidad”