Temple Visit

Greetings from the oven of the southwest.
Well, I am not sure what to write about and I am extremely limited on time today. Remember how last week I had to split my pday in half because of the temple trip? Well this week it was cut short because of the Spanish specialized training we had this morning. That went an hour over… we also scheduled a lesson for today at 4, but that was our bad. Continue reading “Temple Visit”


How is the street contacting going?  Have you and Hermana Schwartz been working on your baptismal challenges this past week during your companion study?
Ok. I am getting a little better at it. We’ve practiced baptismal challenges but we didn’t even have the opportunity to invite anyone except for Christian… I invited him in the first 5 minutes of meeting him, but he said no. I’m definitely like Rebekah and just throw the cake at people instead of handing it to them on a plate. Continue reading “JUST GET BAPTIZED ALREADY!”


So, it’s been an interesting week.  Hna Ellis definitely has a stomach infection or parasites/amibas or something, because she is SKINNY.  And I don’t understand how she and Hna Estrada and Hna Marquez have all had parasites and I haven’t yet because I eat all the same food as my companions.  Hna Ellis thinks at our Multizona that she might have eaten some pink chicken meat that I didn’t, but we’re not sure, because we’ve taken a couple tests and parasites haven’t shown up.  It’s weird.  We haven’t been able to work much this week because of that, and we had a Multizona because Elder Maynes from the 70 came and that was like an all-day ordeal because we went to San Salvador (the other mission) since we did it with the two missions combined, and yesterday we had a Sisters Meeting.


Querido familia… Les quiero mucho…  Thanks for the Renaissance Hymns.  I quite enjoy them.  I also got like four letters the other day, and that made me very happy because I thought you guys hadn’t written me for a little while.  Things are going pretty great…  We are now forbidden to eat in restaurants though, so that’s a little bit sad, but it’s for the better because we do get kind of distracted when we go out to eat on pdays because there’s always music and stuff.  But we’re going to order pizza today, so that should be excitin. Continue reading “bofount”

Buenas! Buenas!!

Well we are just about finishing up another week, and we ended May with a crazy last-minute baptism.  Giovani and Javier (older brothers of Blanquita) got baptized on …  Wednesday.  We weren’t sure Giovani was ready (we didn’t have to teach Javier because he’s 8 yrs old and his parents are members so he just counts as a ward baptism instead of a mission one) before because… well, he’s 13yrs old and doesn’t like to listen to us that much unless his dad makes him.  But our District Leader brought up a good point that it is the parent’s responsibility to get their kids to get baptized (see D&C 68), so we were like… yeah… that’s a good point…