Sufficient is the Day

Dear Family-

We went to a nice zone conference in Walla Walla Washington. I was so excited about going to walla walla. It looks just like Salt Lake City. The drive there was beautiful! I was in heaven; we took a road that goes along the Columbia River just about the whole way. aaahhhh 🙂
At zone conference I had to give my departing testimony, it was quite the experience.I thought it was kinda lame, because honestly I’m not a departing missionary. The thing that did make me feel old in the mission was that I knew all of the people that sent in their RM reports… Crazy stuff.

Continue reading “Sufficient is the Day”

Best Men

Hey there-

So it was really awesome to see you all and skype with you. It’s funny
how normal it is to see you, sometimes I forget you are real people and
you just seem like this made up family in my head. I’m glad you are just
about as cool as I imagine you to be. Continue reading “Best Men”