
Hi everyone,

First of all, I want you to know I put all your letters in a big purple binder in order. Ya.. It’s pretty awesome. Now on to the important things, missionary work.

Life in Warden has picked up the pace a lot more, and we actually have a couple things going. I can honestly say I’m so thankful to my heavenly father, I was starting to go a little more coo-coo than normal. This week has brought a lot of neat experiences. So the only mangster we really have left standing is Carlos. He wouldn’t let us know where he lived, and anyways one night with just three minutes to spare we decided to try a house nearest to a field we found him trumping out of a couple weeks back. Lo and behold, we found the mangster’s hide out, who needs a last name, address, or phone number when you have the holy spirit? Ya, not these missionaries!  ( Carlos also came to church)
Continue reading “J-dubbed”

Another one bites the dust


Well once again I’m going to have to ask a big favor. (I’m starting to feel pretty spoiled, my bad). They told me this week that canvas shoes are against the rules and to look it up in the dress and grooming guidelines, which I did, and I’m not seeing anything about it. Anyways, if you would send me a simple pair of flats, like brown or nude or navy, or something… That would be awesome. I don’t know, I’m trying to comply with all the “rules”. Eh.. I’m kind of upset about this, and since President is the greatest and super understanding, I don’t think I will have to completely lose the TOMS, but we will see.
Continue reading “Another one bites the dust”

The Small and Simple things

Sweet sweet Family,

I forgot to tell you that they did get the AC fixed, I think that was just a tender mercy from the  Lord.
The greatest blessing about getting emergency transferred is that I just was able to go to the temple for the second time this transfer. I think it’s just what I needed. The greatest surprise that I got to see my  MTC companion Hermana Williams! I love that girl more than I can say. I’m serious, I’ve lucked out in the companion department so far. They’ve all been super awesome and helped me and my investigators learn so much.
Continue reading “The Small and Simple things”