Emergency Cambio

This week was a little bit nuts. Me and Hna. Clark finished our p-day and had a family home evening lesson with our investigators then returned to the house. At the house Presidente May called us and told us that we were going to have an emergency cambio. Hna. Clark is now in Curanilawei and My new companion/ trainer for the last 2 weeks of this cambio is Hna. Peña who is super sweet and smart. I’ve already learned a ton from her and feel like we were best friends in the pre-existence. Sadly her last cambio is the next so we’ll probably stay together for about 8 weeks and I will have to kill my missionary father. 🙁 It’s all a little crazy. On top of that we haven’t been able to get a single person to accept a baptismal date or be a new investigator. So number wise we have pure zeros and spiritually speaking Santa Juana is rejecting the blessings of the gospel. But we’ll continue forward and hope to find the people who are ready and slightly hidden, with the help of the Lord all things are possible.

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Millaray got baptized on Saturday! Out of her family only her mom came but I don’t think she minded, because a ton of the members and missionaries showed even the mission president came. It was amazing! Her mom felt the spirit so strongly that she started to cry at the baptism and she said that she wanted Millaray to continue to grow closer to God and then somehow that is what all the musical numbers and talks were about. God is smart. She then cried again when Millaray was confirmed on Sunday. They tend to have a hard time getting along but they seem to have grown closer with Millaray’s Baptism and on Sunday after the meetings Paola (the mom) said that she wants to start coming so that her younger son can go to primary because she thinks it would be good for him. She tells us that she’s Catholic and she won’t convert but she loves it all so much with just a taste I have a feeling that she’ll be baptized someday.

Continue reading “BAPTIZED!!!”

2nd Cambio

Millaray has an official baptismal date and she’s been to church 2 times. We’re aiming for the 22nd of July because we can and she’s met with our district leader and her mom signed the papers for him on Saturday so the ball is rolling. First baptism here we come. Now we just need to work on getting more youth there to create a sort of support group cuz if you have a bunch of kids who can be friends you have a pretty solid branch. That’s our goal. Continue reading “2nd Cambio”

Week 6

Somethings you should all know about chile. They like to say po as a filler word of sorts so instead of saying si they would say si po, and they like to just end a lot of sentences with po. Of course that depends on the person for how much they do it. Some people say it a whole lot and others hardly ever. Completos are very important here. It’s kind of like a trademark Chilean thing. They are like hot dogs but a billion times better. Normally for a traditional Completo you have a very large bun with a hot dog and some tomatoes and guacamole in it and mayo on top. It’s pretty much the best.

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