
Hello Familia!

You will all be happy to see pictures from BAPTISMS!! So, I already told you about Edwin who is still awesome, and 11. I also think I’ve told you about Santiago before. When I was in Mesagrande Hna Falcon and I taught him the first 3 lessons, most of the commandments, and he got most of the way through 2 Nephi, but he would never commit to a date. Anyways, he finally committed to a date and he was baptized this weekend. Hna Lamb wasn’t feeling well so I went with Hna Tejada. It was really fun being back in Mesagrande, and really neat seeing someone else get baptized in that area. The work there is slow.  Anyways, Hna Falcon told me that when Santiago was getting his confirmation blessing he was promised he’d get to bring members of his family into the church, and that he’d be able to help and be an example for his grand kids. He also received the Aronic priesthood and he’s really excited to do the work for his son that passed away. Before he told me that when he would read the scriptures he’d read 2 pages for himself and then 2 more for his son.
Continue reading “Easter”

Sensunapan… Adios.

Zuleyma didn’t get baptized.  She changed her mind at the last minute again.  And Paty told Stephanie (a girl in our ward who has visited her with us sometimes) that she wanted to get baptized after all.  I’m really not sure what to believe about Paty.  I think she is partially motivated to go to church for the right reasons, but she is also asking people things and I think her main interest in the church is to go to Girl’s Camp.  Sadly her Mom and Grandma, who wanted us to teach her, have all the sudden become angry enemies of the church… So hopefully some day in the future Paty can get baptized…
Continue reading “Sensunapan… Adios.”

funny story…

So, you know that inspiring story I told you all last week about Paty?  Yeah… she dropped us.  Investigators are kind of like revelation.  Really confusing.  And you pretty much never know who’s going to be positive and who isn’t the first visit or two, and then the persons you think are positive throw you for a loop when they decide to reject something for some reason randomly.
Continue reading “funny story…”

what we wish would reveal what is in the letter…

Dear Fam,

Really have to be pretty brief because we went to acujutla today to eat at a seafood place (yeah, you can imagine how excited I was about that) by the beach…  It was fun, but I have at last gotten my first sunburn. Wahoo!!!  I gave my sunscreen to a lady in the ward who super needed it, and now I just have a lotion that’s probably spf 5 which works for most of the time since I’ve been out in the sun every day for 6 mths… it’s like your skin gets an immunity.
Continue reading “what we wish would reveal what is in the letter…”


Rachel, how is your new companionship?   Where is Sister Lamb from?  What is your favorite thing about her?
Hna Lamb is from Panama, but her parents are American. So, she speaks both languages fluently and actually she almost never speaks to me in Spanish, but we’re working on that. Her Spanish was really hard to understand at first because she talks really fast and eats her S’s. I like her cause she’s super bold and we don’t mess around. Continue reading “shooort”

Hey ya’ll

Why does getting married disqualify Rene for citizenship?
I don’t know. I don’t make the dumb laws, and I really wasn’t worried about any of them until David got deported and then all of a sudden it was an issue with everyone. Sheila found out this weekend that she’s pregnant so, that might change things? Continue reading “Hey ya’ll”

La Historia de La Paty

So what happened with the revelations guy?

Me and Hna Estrada were walking by and this guy is like with a crazy grumbly smokey voice, “Hey! Can I have one of those little books?”  And we were like, Okay…  I think he was drinking coffee or smoking or something so Hna Estrada gave him a pamphlet for the Word of Wisdom, and he said thanks, and that he likes to read, and “do you have any other ones?”  So we gave him two or more pamphlets and tried to start talking to him about what they were about, but he keeps talking about how he likes to read, Continue reading “La Historia de La Paty”