Hey Y’all

So, things that happened this week…
#1 Hna Solorzano pretended it was her birthday and even though I knew it probably wasn’t I played along and the other sisters helped me throw her a little surprise party. Where we ate birthday cake ice cream sandwiches and blew up balloons. I feel bad because I told one of the members it was her birthday and they bought her balloons and pupusas 😮 Later Hna Lamb confirmed her birthday is actually in October.

Help me…

Well, I’m pretty upset and trying not to seriously lose the spirit because I can’t use punctuation with this computer.  Sigh.  No exclamation points, pues.  Me and Hna Ellis are doing good, I’m sending a picture of blanquita and some of the 13 people in her family.  Here’s what you guys can pray for for me:
Continue reading “Help me…”

Week 1 in Modelo

We’re working really hard with Blanquita’s family.  Their two parents are inactive/ reactivating.  The dad came to church with five of his kids this Sunday from a soccer game they were watching, and he’s really excited to come back to church.  We’ve been trying to get his wife to come too, but she’s been hiding from us for some reason we’ve yet to discover.  Blanquita and one of their other sons Javier are going to get baptized this Saturday, and we’re hoping Giovani and Daniel can get baptized next week.  Evelyn seems to have some trouble because her older sisters go to an Evangelist church, and she is going to both our church and theirs.  (There are 11 kids in this family.  And the oldest is 17 and it goes down to like a one-year-old, it’s crazy, and they’re the poorest people I have ever met).
Continue reading “Week 1 in Modelo”

Not much to say and I’m a slacker so, no pictures.

Well, I am not really sure what to say today since I talked to you all less than 24 hours ago. I guess, I’m wondering if you ever heard from Rebekah. My night was pretty fun. No one really wanted to meet with us since it was mother’s day n’ all so, we went around and did heart attacks for some of the ladies in the ward. My tummy also decided to get really upset with me which has been… pleasant.

Welcome to Modelo

So, surprise!!  I’m with another Gringa!!  What the–Hna Ellis??  I am now in an area called Modelo, with my gringa companion from Miami, Florida.  I thought maybe they were kicking me out of Candelaria so that I would be with a Latina and speak Spanish, but I guess not.  She has 10 months in the mission, so I’m still the Jr Companion, and I had my 9 month mark yesterday, so that was cool.
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Trying not to get upset about the pressures of writing…

Well that was a long time answering questions today.  I don’t really understand Dad’s question… yeah… I’m not really writing in my journal either…  I really need to start figuring out what I’m doing I guess.  I guess I’m losing my interest in writing because I’m getting old in the mission now… I’m finally learning how to pay better attention and learning things and people faster…
Continue reading “Trying not to get upset about the pressures of writing…”