The Book of Mormon

Well, I guess I’ve thought more about my spiritual experiences on the mission since Dad asked me, and when I was thinking about it… there are lots of moments when we testify of things and we feel the spirit testifying that they are true–but the times that I have most felt that–more than anything else–is when I’ve testified of the Book of Mormon.
Continue reading “The Book of Mormon”

bikes are slow

I like how dramatic Rebekah is about going home when I have less time left than she does. I’m honestly hoping I can see at least one more baptism before I go home. As soon as Christmas lights starts I’m only going to have around 3 hours in my area every day. The rest of my time is going to be studying, eating, and the visitors center. Hna Watkins is full field so we haven’t been in the visitor center since transfer day but we go back on Thanksgiving the day Christmas Lights start.  Continue reading “bikes are slow”

Freezing in AZ

Well, I am pretty sick today. Hna Noble is getting transferred out of the area. I’m getting a full field sister. Hna Watkins her dad is serving as a mission president in San Jose, California.  I am also going on bikes for the first time in my mission. I told Elder Nielsen (he’s in charge of cars and bikes) that there was no way I was buying a bike for 2 transfers. I also called him crying and recounted the story of the one day I spent on bikes in Valencia. He told me he’d find me a bike, make sure it fits me, and then teach me how to ride it. Continue reading “Freezing in AZ”

A Wedding & Two Baptisms

Aw man… I was trying to think of things to write but I forgot again…  I admit I was kind of freaking out when they announced that 19-yr-olds can serve missions now because I know that Hannah will be gone by the time I get home.  I think James will be too. 🙂  Which is pretty AWESOME it’s just gonna make going home even weirder…  And to answer Dad’s question… no… still don’t know when I’m going home…I was thinking it was the beginning of February because that’s what some Elders said, but I found out that Sis Ellis is going home and the transfers of January are about 15th of January so I will be going home probably about the middle/end of February after all.  Not sure.  But if you guys aren’t comin to get me you don’t need to know when I finish.  I’ll just SURPRISE everyone when I come home…
Continue reading “A Wedding & Two Baptisms”

This is Halloween

Sorry, I don’t have any time to write now because I spent forever uploading photos. Sis Kranendonk is always really good about taking photos and this is the first pday we’ve had with her this transfer besides the day of zone activity. There’s a picture of almost all the zone in their costumes. I was the mission president’s wife, and Hna Noble was some purple caped villain. She wanted to be a dinosaur but it didn’t really work out.
On Halloween day we had district meeting, then went to help a member make day of the dead bread, and then visited Dulce for a bit. Continue reading “This is Halloween”