a fillion investigators

Ok… that took so long I don’t know if I’m going to be able to send more than one… but I figured I’d send some pictures so I don’t have to write since pictures count for a thousand or two thousand words or something like that–I figure you guys wouldn’t want to read two thousand words from me so a couple pictures must be good… plus this comp is uber slow and I just spent forever sending for refunds so my poor comp doesn’t starve in March…
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a really long prayer

Well, it’s been an eventful week, I must say.  Sister Olga is driving me nuts.  She insists that she “doesn’t have time” for us to visit during the week–and yeah–she’s super, super, busy, but REALLY?  We only need to visit seguido for like a couple weeks and you can get baptized, jeez.  Sometimes people think we must have nothing better to do than visit them–but the truth is–missionaries are the busiest people in the world.
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blood pressure

Well folks… we’re all still alive out here…

beeep… beep… beep… baaaaaaaaaaaah.

I occasionally get really stressed when I think about how soon I’m going home.  I wouldn’t say I freak out, but I feel like my blood pressure goes up to about 5000… and then I’m like, yeah, whatever, I still have time… I think…
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Irvin’s going on a mission

How do I know that?  The ingrato didn’t tell me of course, but Sister Alcerro who was in Sensunapan told me.  I was really worried about Irvin and Edward (a couple of my converts in Sensunapan) and I asked her about them because she had been there for a long time.  Irvin always said he wanted to serve a mission when the time came, but I didn’t know if he’d ever done anything to go since I left Sensunapan… I guess he was inactive for a time, but then Sis Alcerro and her comp came and visited once and he came back to church. 🙂  I guess he’ll be going on his mission soon, but I don’t know when or where or anything… Continue reading “Irvin’s going on a mission”


Well, everything is going really well all of a sudden–which also stresses me out…  I’m really happy for Olga and her children though.  They love the church, they’re reading, they’re super powerful and Olga said the other day that it is her “desire” to be baptized–the only challenge left with her is getting her companion (less active member) to commit to marriage.  But I am sure he will, he loves her and everything, I think he’s probably just a little scared to get married because, let’s face it, men are cowards about getting married (well.. mostly outside of our church I think…) Continue reading “STRESS”

pure laziness

I’m trying not to fall into the trap of reading my emails before I write my letter this week…  Well, it’s been hard lately because I’ve kind of felt like my area is dying, and technically I think it must be my fault because I’ve been here FOREVER so it’s my responsibility to work the area the right way… and we haven’t had any investigators in church for two weeks, and everyone we’ve been teaching… keeps dropping us.
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Merry Christmas

Allison finally got baptized!!!  Yay!!!  She’s been waiting about four months since we started teaching her to figure out all her crazy paper problems… Well, they weren’t that crazy it’s just kind of complicated because she was/is illegal and she needed to get her passport.  (Now that she has her passport she just needs a stamp in it).  She had to go to Belize city to order her passport from Honduras (she lost it a couple years ago when they moved or something like that) but she finally got her passport!  (Really late, but that’s beside the point..)
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