Pure Craziness!

This week was Great! Cautín really is progressing. After yesterday we
have 3 investigators with baptismal dates that I really think will get
baptized. Alvaro, Mariela (Hna. May helped us teach her), and Ricardo.

So Alvaro was living with Daniela (They aren’t married), but Saturday
he moved out and is living with his Grandmother in Padre Las Casas so
that he can live the law of Chastity and get baptized and he also
proposed to Daniela and they’ll be getting married in January or
February of 2019! Their son Javier who’s 8 also wants to get baptized!
We’re super excited for their family!
Continue reading “Pure Craziness!”

Keeping Busy

This week was pretty good. Maxen passed the sacrament on Sunday and he
just keeps on impressing the members. Also this Sunday we had so many
members and investigators at church it was kind of crazy. To make it
even cooler we had a new senior couple that will be moving into the
ward in the next month I think and they came to check it out. They’re
super nice and they should make a good addition to the ward. We also
had the primary program and God blessed us so that we ended up having
about 6 kids instead of only one!
Continue reading “Keeping Busy”


I had to ask Hermana Ellis how to spell hello for the subject line. 🙂 Jaja. So, not sure what to say. After the Skype call I feel kind of wordless. It’s kind of funny cuz we didn’t have that much time, and I didn’t even tell you guys what happened in the last week but I’m still not sure what to say.

Continue reading “Ricardo”

It’s All About the Love

So this week was pretty great! We decided to contact at least 50 people every single day during weekly planning on Thursday and when we left the house that day we were so motivated! We said a prayer before we left telling God that we would be doing that and asked to have some miracles. We started contacting and contacting and contacting. By the end of the day I realized 2 things. 1st thing is that I’m pretty sure it’s not possible to do 50 contacts in a day at least not the kind of contacting that we were thinking of. (We ended up getting about 20) So we lowered our goal to 30 so that we’re still pushing ourselves but not so that it’s completely unachievable. 2nd thing that I realized is that God will trust us more when we are putting forth all of our effort. As we were contacting that first day we only contacted 20 people and more than 10 of them became future investigators or references. The percentage of rejections went down a whole ton! I couldn’t believe it. I think that was the first time in my life that I smiled because of contacting. If we really put forth everything we get back a whole lot more in return. I think maybe it has to do with the fact that when I go out and don’t contact as many people as I possibly can it’s usually because I’m thinking about myself (being a little selfish) and why on Earth would God put his children in my path if I’m not ready for them to give them my full attention and truly try to help them be happy? The answer is simple, He wouldn’t. So that’s probably something I should have learned a long time ago but oh well. I know now. 🙂 Me and Hna. Ellis are working on killing it here in Chile and helping as many people as we possibly can. (It’s all about the love. Not to be weird or anything but honestly it’s true.)

12 Months!!

Dear family and friends,

So I left for the mission exactly 1 year and a day ago. It’s been an interesting experience to say the least. I’ve had tons of ups and downs and I don’t think I’ve ever grown so much or learned so much in my whole entire life. I remember having a conversation with my mom while I was deciding about coming to the mission or not and she told me that in the mission I would learn what would take me in the normal world about 10 years or so to learn in the short amount of 1 and a half years. She also said that that meant it would be super hard and stressful but that it would be worth the pain and struggle that it would take. I just want to say, my mom is a very wise woman! 🙂 Love ya Mom!

Continue reading “12 Months!!”