Semana 5

Sorry for not writing yesterday. We had a Holiday here in Chile for one of the saints and the Library (Where we get to write for free!) was closed so we had to wait an extra day to write. This week has been pretty cool. We did drop a lot of our investigators who weren’t progressing and we felt would continue to not progress, and we’ve already found a few new investigators who are amazing and very close to gold, but a quick word about one of our older investigators. Joaquin who is 17 finally prayed, and he now believes in God, which is a huge step in the right direction. He never got around to it which I honestly understand, my prayers up until my mission kind of sucked and it’s because I never felt the need to really put effort into it, I just did it because I was supposed to. Continue reading “Semana 5”


Sorry for not answering the questions in the letter I sent it before I read your letter so here are my answers.
How long does it take to get to Concepción? About an hour.
Where do you shop there? All over. It’s a pretty big city with lots of stores, but we aren’t allowed to go to conce to shop anymore because it’s outside of our mission so we need the mission president’s permission to go.
Why is the meal called oncecita? I think they used to do it at 11 because the men wanted alcohol and the women were like let’s do it later so you can sleep off the craziness, but now it’s just the replacement for dinner at about 7-8.

Continue reading “Answers”

Semana 4!


I can’t believe I only have 2 weeks left in this cambio. Time flies when you’re doing the Lord’s work. So I´m going to be honest, these weeks have been a little rough. We have 9 investigators/investigator families and so far not a single one of them is progressing. A couple are completing their commitments but they aren’t going to church, so basically me and Hna. Clark feel like we’re running in circles and not accomplishing anything, so this week we are going to kill test pretty much all of our investigators which means we’re going to politely threaten to drop them and see if that motivates them to start going if not next week we’re going to start from scratch.

Continue reading “Semana 4!”

Week 3 in Chile

Hi all.

To answer questions.
I live in a house with my companion and the other 2 sisters. The members normally feed us so much for lunch because that’s the biggest meal here that I just have some milo which is kind of like hot chocolate and toast or something for breakfast and dinner doesn’t always happen because we’re usually running but we might eat some cookies or have an oncecita with an investigator. Continue reading “Week 3 in Chile”

Week 2 in Chile

To answer questions:

So Chile is Super cold. It never goes beneath freezing, but it´s humid and therefore feels even more cold than it is and will go right through clothes if you aren´t wearing enough. So far it doesn´t rain a ton, but it has rained later in the day the last few days. In Santa Juana there are 4 missionaries in total consisting of myself Hna Clark, Hna Aros, and Hna Steed. That´s right no Elders, but we do have Gabriel as our stand in soon to be Elder missionary.

Continue reading “Week 2 in Chile”