
So, this week we thought we found the most Golden investigator ever and he didn’t come to church and hasn’t responded to our calls. Then we had another Golden investigator who came to church, but we found out that he’s living with his girlfriend because he’s in the middle of a divorce with another woman. We also found a haitian that is super cool. His name is Maxen. The last new investigator that we found this week is not very religious but she would like to learn a Little bit as well as work on her English so we started teaching her the lessons in English and she’s polite and receptive, but we don’t know if her curiosity will grow into anything greater. Hopefully it’ll be that way, but we’ll have to wait and see.

Continue reading “Investigators”


I never know what to put in the subject spot… So this time you guys get a smiley face 😀 So we had cambios again and I’m staying here in Cautin with Hna. Ellis. She’s going to be my first companion that I stay with for a full 2 cambios. I’m pretty excited cuz she’s super cool and we’re going to keep working hard.

Continue reading “:)”