

Testimonies are interesting things. (I started writing in spanish and had to translate it into English.. haha) Before my mission honestly my testimony was simply that I knew the church was true because in Costa Rica I prayed and asked God if it was true or if my parents were crazy and moved us down there for the foolish imaginations of their hearts (Sorry Mom and Dad) but I received a response that I can still remember, for those of you who know me my memory isn’t very good so that should mean something, I felt the spirit. It was like a calmness and a peace came over me, it was a warm feeling in my heart if you will, and in that same moment I received a knowledge that this is the true church. It’s hard to explain that part, but the spirit testifies of truth and in that moment the spirit testified in my mind that it was true and I couldn’t help but believe him so it became a part of my knowledge, or in other words my testimony. Here in my mission I’ve received a more specific testimony of various things, for example the importance and power of The Book of Mormon and the fact that prayer really does work and that God is listening and will answer, (In his own time) and also that with repentance and the grace of Jesus Christ we can truly do anything which is righteous and respecting of the agency of others. Hna. Peña gave a talk on Sunday about the importance of sharing your testimonies with others. She shared some insights that were given in talks by various prophets and apostles and I can’t remember who it was but one of them talked about how we really aren’t fit to judge who is ready to receive the gospel or not, our job as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or in other words as latter day saints is to share what we know to be true with everybody. So please don’t hold back your testimony no matter how simple it may be is important. Even if it’s only a knowledge of one thing, (Like how I went on a mission only knowing that the church was true and God wanted me to serve a mission.) it’s worth sharing. As they say in Spanish Cambio y fuera (Over and out).

3rd Cambio

I get to kill Hna. Peña! WOOHOO! Just so you know that doesn’t mean anything negative it means that I’ll be sending her home at the end of this cambio that we’re starting because she’s reaching the end of her mission. I was really hoping that would happen and that I wouldn’t be training because I just finished my training. I’m officially a missionary! It’s kind of weird and kind of the same, but I’m going to miss watching the district. Continue reading “3rd Cambio”

Trainee Todavia

So I have 1 more week of being a trainee. I’m not sure how to spell that word… But I’m grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to have Hna. Peña as my trainer for my last 3 weeks of training. She’s the bomb digity. Writing in English is legitimately very hard now. I want to write in Spanglish or just plain old Spanish. I feel like that’s a good sign. We got 4 new investigators this week 2 of which are pretty much already dropped cuz they said they weren’t interested in our second lesson but their daughter and her friend decided that they really do want to listen to the message we have to share so hopefully that goes well. It’s raining a ton here and it’s super cold, but we try to go out well dressed. I’m really sad that we don’t have a better translation for the word abrigado in English, but oh well. I apologize because this email’s going to have to be a little short this week because I’m already over the limit but I’ll make up for it with a few photos if that works. Continue reading “Trainee Todavia”