
Every transfer that we have is 6 weeks. On the sixth week they call us Saturday night to tell us if we’re leaving or not and then on Tuesday we travel to new sectors. I’m staying in Temuco Cautin and Hna. Morante is going to Los Angeles with Hna. Gomez from Brazil. I’m going to be with another American, Hna. Ellis. She arrived with Hna. Morante.

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Pure Craziness

Just so you all know Hna. Morante is my 7th companion and I’ve never had a companion that is so crazy. I mean that in a good way. I forgot to tell you last week, but 2 mondays ago she pierced my ears with a needle. We put some ice against my ear until I couldn’t feel it very well and then she just stuck that thing in there. It hurt a little bit, but not too bad. So now I’ve got earrings. 🙂 I’ll attach some photos down below.

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So this week was fun. We’re teaching a ton of Haitians and this friday we invited them to a family home evening with this member family where the 2 kids are return missionaries who’ve already got their fiances and everything. We brought 6 of our investigators. They’re all super cool and they shared a message about baptism leaving the invitation to pray and read the Book of Mormon to know if the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints really is the only church that has the power and authority of God. The spirit was so strong in that lesson and then we had 7 of our investigators in church on Sunday. It was amazing. I’ve never in my life seen so many investigators all together at once learning about the gospel and the members were super great and friendly and made them feel comfortable and at home even though they don’t speak Spanish very well.

Continue reading “Craziness”


Hello all.

I gotta tell you I really kind of suck at using my time well on the computer because I have so many freaking things to do and only an hour to do it. But, oh well. I will be sending more photos to try and make up.
I want to give a small update this week. We are teaching a bunch of Haitians, because a ton a moving to Chile for new opportunities, but the majority don’t have any money and they don’t speak spanish. We have some spanish classes going at the church and we invite pretty much every Haitian that we see. I’ve honestly never known a more open people in all of my life. Within 2 seconds they’re willing to get baptized cuz they want to change their life for the better and get closer to God. We’re teaching a few in Spanish and English and trying to help them gain a testimony. It’s pretty great.