noodle arms

Well, This week we have spent a lot of time cleaning up after that storm. On Saturday we and a bunch of men from the ward got together and cleaned up trees like no tomorrow. All I could think all day was “Man! I love Mormons!” I think it is so great that while mostly all of these men lost tons of crops in the storm, and had their own damage, they got together and went around serving other people. My arms are still pretty sore from throwing tree branches around. We did get some good OYMs out of the deal. Continue reading “noodle arms”

Taking the town by storm

My mind doesn’t seem to think past yesterday right now..
Ok here we go with earlier on in the week: We had the tour of the dairy and I was NOT feeling well that day, so there was one part where we went past where they separate the “Solids and the liquids” yaa…. I almost lost my stomach big time. BUT I kept it together, and then we looked at some baby cows which were pretty adorable.  Continue reading “Taking the town by storm”

Angel Food Cake

This week has been loco coco. Monday was regular, we as a zone played a riveting game of Qwiddich, and I think I have found my new sport, because I owned everybody at that game. Tuesday: we had to drive to Othello TWICE to get the car damage estimated and then the man forgot to take pictures we also had district meeting, so by the time we got back we had a dinner appointment and the day was pretty much shot.  Continue reading “Angel Food Cake”

another week another peso


Well… I have nothing to say. Happy Birthday a couple days ago to Rachel! I sent a card… probably didn’t get there yet.. My bad.

This week was pretty interesting, we had exchanges last Monday and I got to be with Hermana Hatfield, pretty sure she is the coolest person in the world. We stayed up really late with some nice pillow talk, and then changed the lives of millions. AKA we translated at a food bank. Then we went back to our normal comps and areas.
Continue reading “another week another peso”