Beauty for Ashes

Hey familia,
Well it’s memorial day! so nobody emails. However, we asked the ZLs if we could just email anyways since we do it at the church and they said sure. Now I’m regretting this decision, because none of my mission buddies emailed me yet. Dang. Not to mention you guys. So eh.. I checked my mula in the banco, to make sure if I randomly use personal funds I’m not using money I don’t have. Looks like I’m good. Only thing that was really depressing to me was my savings. I don’t think this kid is going back to school.. ever…

transferring the training wheels

Well to comment on your updates. First of all, I think I started hyperventilating a little bit when I saw Tori’s date. That’s really really soon. Tell Rachel just to move up to Logan because I think she’d like it there. I think Bekah should be getting a call from her knight in shining armor anytime here. Matt… ay ya ya. Elly You’re almost there! summer is in sight. Dad: you’re the best scout master ever. Mom: What does the bathroom look like? I think maybe you sent a photo but my brain hurts. 

Love will win its victory

Why hello there,

It was sooo good to talk to you all and see your faces. I missed em. I felt more like myself yesterday than I have in a while. It was good to just have some good old family Sunday time. Thanks for being willing to send the GPS if you want you can just sign on my amazon account and my card should be all hooked up to it and everything, and if not you have all that information.
Continue reading “Love will win its victory”

Mysterious Ways

Hey there,

Well this week once again one that I just don’t think I will be able to put into words. Let me start by saying I think that we will be calling at about two, because sister Ramos’s family doesn’t get home until about one. I don’t even have any idea what amazing things I should make up to tell you. Just kidding, I just don’t know what we will talk about.. hopefully you guys have a lot going on, because it’s too hard to figure things out to say about a mission. it’s like Bekah wrote “it’s a bunch of bizarre things that happen in a bizarre way you can’t explain.”


well I will tell you this, I really don’t like the new thing that gmail is doing with the format. It’s bugging me. 🙂
Well, yesterday was the best Sunday I have ever had thus far on the mission. We did some super awesome things. I gotta tell ya, We were going door to door working our way up to this investigators house and we stopped at this one hidden house. A man and his son came to the door, and he told us that he “may have been baptized.” basically his mom’s side are all members but he doesn’t know anything really, and non of his kids are members or his wife. I have to say it was the best OYM ever. I’m serious there were things coming out of my mouth that I was kinda like “woah there betsy.” but it was so cool! He said he is going to talk to his wife and think about listening to us.I know maybe that doesn’t sound that cool, but it was that cool . Continue reading “maher-shala-haz-baz”