Pain is inevitable-suffering is optional

Loved ones-
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I’m grateful for you!
Today we went to Moses Lake so that Hermana Porter could buy a coat. The exciting news is they had a Staples so I was able to get my G2 Pilot pens in all the fun colors. There we had the highlight of my Pday we met a Mormon about to go on a mission to Mexico and he took 2 dollars off my pen purchase. It was just so darn nice. 🙂

“Don’t cough on me! I think you have rabies!”-tito

Well let’s just go through the week.
Monday- We taught such a good lesson. It was with Maria who I have ish taught here and there. The first time I met her she said, “I have been talking to missionaries for 30 yrs there is nothing you can tell me that I don’t already know.” So anyways she was telling us on Monday that her son is making bad decision, and he knows better. Well Hmmmm Maria, that sounds a little bit familiar, kind of like how our heavenly father feels about you every day! And then we pounded her with the spirit and said, “Maria, you know. Your Heavenly Father knows that you know, and what are you doing about it?” Then in her prayer she committed to ask for time off so she can come to church and to read the book of Mormon. It was awesome.

one by one

Once again I feel like I have nothing to say. We had our Halloween party this week on Wednesday. That was really good, lots of investigators and less active members came to it. I really enjoyed it. Although you have to run around like a chicken with your head cut off trying to make people have friends and feel comfortable. Also I ate some good bread.