
Well, I started out last week with a cold/cough again, but we had set those really high goals I talked about last week. So, we just worked anyways, and we worked, and we worked. Even after Hna Schwartz twisted her ankle on Saturday. We kept walking around anyways, because we were more or less out of potentials, and we just wanted to find a couple more people. Continue reading “Catholicism”

Belmopan–week 6!?

Hello dearly beloved seres queridos,

To answer Dad’s questions about my comp, she is from Honduras (like Hna Estrada, but she comes from a part of Honduras that is actually A LOT like the United States) I believe she now has 14 months in the mission (two transfers more than me) so she only has about 3 or 4 transfers left.  I always work with old missionaries.  It’s kind of weird because usually the sisters get to be senior comp after 6 or 8 months or something, but I’ve gotten to work with a lot of sisters who have a lot of experience.  It’s kind of nice because they all already know more than me…  She loves to joke around and bug me.  She wants to be a professional forensic doctor and solve crimes like that.  She has quickly converted to Sweet and Sour Chicken since she’s been with me, and she can almost say it in English now.
Continue reading “Belmopan–week 6!?”

Well, we’ve reached the time… to write.

Dear Family,


I and Hna Duarte… are having emotional breakdowns left and right out here.  Well, not so much anymore, but really… one of us was crying like every few days in the last four weeks, but we’ve finally settled down a little and there hasn’t been any crying or angriness for a while.  I think it’s just because we are both so stressed.   Continue reading “Well, we’ve reached the time… to write.”

Sunshine in my sole today…

Sorry again about last weeks email. Not sure what happened.  This week has been pretty good. Lots of little struggles still. We’ve been sent out full field so, we decided to try and get to know all the apartment complexes and streets in the area a little better. So, we walked from one end of our area to the other during the least productive part of the day 12-3 oh wait, also the hottest part of the day. Also because we were going to be walking a lot I decided to wear my ugly sister missionary shoes. Bad idea. I ended up with roughly 10-12 blisters. I am NEVER going to wear those shoes again. Continue reading “Sunshine in my sole today…”

Carne Asada

Hey Family,
So, MIRACLE Luis has a baptismal date. Forever our ward mission leader has been wanting to challenge Luis, and we really haven’t had much of a chance this past transfer. We had only had 2 lessons with him. One about the word of wisdom, and the other was on the doctrine of Christ. In the one on the doctrine of Christ he said he had been thinking about getting baptized but that he still needed more time. Continue reading “Carne Asada”

Bed Bugs Round Two!

Who has two thumbs and is ready for bed bugs round two?
So, I don’t have very many positive things to say today, because I am pretty beat, but on the plus side I think I’m going to beat the bed bugs this time and not get kicked out of my apartment. Also, we finally found someone who says they want to get baptized!! He even came to church yesterday 🙂