wassup peeps

I really can’t think of anything to say this week. Dad will be pleased to hear I am currently attempting to burn you all a cd with pictures. Um… Well it was my first real transfer this week. My new comp Hna Falcon speaks Spanish ALLL the time. I also live with 2 other native speakers, over by the temple. They moved us permanently out of the White’s house (where the bed bugs live in the walls) and moved Elders in. Continue reading “wassup peeps”

Sensunapan: January

Dear Family,
It’s been interesting.  I can’t always remember the questions or what I have and haven’t told you… but to answer Aunt Margene’s question, no, I actually don’t get a lot of attention for being a Gringa (north American)…  And actually, my hair is not that unusual.  There are quite a few people with naturally blond hair here, they usually have like olive skin, but there are also a lot of people with skin naturally whiter than mine, and a lot of people with light green eyes, and, I even met someone with dark green eyes–which I didn’t think was possible, but it’s true–far away they look brown, but when your in front of him you can see they’re a mesh of green and brown and only look green up close. Continue reading “Sensunapan: January”