
So, I realized that I haven’t told you guys much about Tolhuaca, my new home for at least 6 weeks. It’s not actually a city it’s the part of the city Victoria, that’s south of the train tracks. Chile is prettymuch just small hills and flat land. so I’m pretty close to sea level I think. It’s really humid and rainy and cold. Or at least it is sometimes. Then we’ll have a random couple of days that are ridiculously hot, cuz apparently the ozone is thinner or something and the sun is a lot stronger here, and they tell me it’s supposed to get worse as we enter summer. Right now we’re in spring. Victoria is about 5 times bigger than Santa Juana, but my sector Tolhuaca is just about 2 times bigger. It takes about 35-40 minutes to cross it on foot. We have a couple of Elders that we share Tolhuaca with, and our district has 4 companionships, but one of those is the Zone leaders and they normally split up between the two districts in our zone. At the moment we shop mostly at this one store that is called acuenta. It’s like a smaller version of Lider which is Walmart in Chile. It’s cheap and they have prettymuch everything. Then we buy fruit from a fruit store, cuz there’s about fifty here in every city in chile and they’re really cheap. It costs under a dollar for about 2 lbs of bananas or kiwi.

Our investigators Nelly and Jonny are having a lot of progress on their new house that they’re building, and we can’t wait for them to finish cuz then Jonny’s going to propose and finally marry Nelly and they’ll both get baptized. We’re a little sad cuz there’s no way they’ll finish everything and be able to get baptized this cambio, and we don’t know if we’ll both stay for the next cambio.
By the way. I don’t think I mentioned in the last email, if I did sorry, but Harold got baptized! WUJU! Celebrate good times!

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