Feeling Philosophical

Every once in a while all of the missionaries in our zone get together for a couple of hours 1 day to work in 1 sector to help out the missionaries there. We call it a Zone Taco(Mission slang is weird:) This week we did that and I had an interesting experience. I was contacting some people with Hermana Anderson and inviting them to come answer some deep questions using the book of Mormon and this lady we started to say Hi, how are you? and she without thinking as she was practically running away said, “No thank you, I’m Catholic, I don’t believe in God!” It was kind of hilarious because I’m pretty sure she didn’t process what she was saying before it left her mouth. We all have those moments, but then it got me thinking and honestly I think that we all do the same thing sometimes. That is, we say stuff claiming that we believe it but we don’t actually process what we’re saying and it’s not the best to say it because often we don’t mean it or it doesn’t make any sense. I’ve been catching myself saying some things that I’ve heard other people say a billion times and I just repeat it to have something to say. Like, I know the church is true. For some people that might make sense, but for me that kind of sounds like filler words because I don’t see how the church can be true, in my eyes The Church of Jesus Christ is the kingdom of God on the Earth today. So to me it’s something real that teaches the truth. The truth would be the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I also know that the Church of Jesus Christ is the only place that has worthy men who hold the priesthood necessary to do saving ordinances like baptism. But the church is the church. The catholic church is also a church and the baptist church as well not to mention the billions of other churches, but the difference between them is that Christ leads his church not the other churches and in his church we can learn the truth. Just thought I would share my philosophical thoughts from this week. Love you all! 🙂

So, Martín our 17 year old golden investigator changed his baptismal date to tomorrow the 15 of August because he wants his dad to be there and his dad is working 10 days in another city and then rests for about 5 days so he won’t be here Saturday. His parents are supportive but they seem to have a couple of doubts because his dad is upset about the fact that he’ll need to serve a mission before he turns 25 because that means he will have to pause his studies that take about 7 years. So, we’re a little bit nervous but we both feel that Martín is ready and we’re praying with all of our hearts that his parents don’t stop him and that they can see it too. I think his mom understands and will allow it cuz she’s really reasonable and can see that it’s a good thing, but the dad is a little more stubborn and slow. Hopefully God can soften his heart before tomorrow night.

We don’t have a whole lot going on other than the possible baptism tomorrow. Also, I don’t think I mentioned that all of the Hermanas in my mission will get the opportunity to help with the concepcion temple tours before the dedication for about 2-3 days. The temple will be dedicated on October 28th if I remember right, so my homecoming group will be the first group of missionaries returning home from my mission to attend a session at the Chile concepcion temple. It should be pretty amazing. We’re going to be having a training next Wednesday the 22nd of August for the tours, and that same day they are going to tell us the transfers that will be happening on Saturday or Sunday the 25th or 26th of August.

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